Topic outline

  • Cours (Rendu - 1)

  • TP de Rendu "Do it Yourself" (4 séances) -- Rendu 1

  • Evaluation du TP "Do It Yourself"

    • Vous devez répondre individuellement à ces questions.

      ATTENTION !!! Le test ouvre au début de la séance et se fermera automatiquement.

      ATTENTION !!! Le test est séquentiel. Une fois que vous passez à la question suivante, vous ne pouvez plus répondre.

      Si vous n'avez pas eu le temps de soumettre vos réponses, la tentative en cours sera envoyée automatiquement.

      Il y a 7 questions et il faut consacrer un temps équivalent à chacune.

      Vous avez 35 minutes pour répondre aux questions.

  • TP OpenGL (aka "Rendu 2")

    • Submit your TPs by 24/05/2024 23h59 CEST

      Each group will submit a SINGLE compressed archive file named surname1-surname2.{tar.gz, zip} containing the assignments for each tp.

      VERY IMPORTANT: the archive MUST have a folder for each tp with a structure similar to

      └── tp1
      │ │   files needed to build the code, CMakeLists.txt included
      │ │  report/answer to the questions (txt ou pdf)
      └── tp2
          │    files needed to build the code, CMakeLists.txt included
      └── tp3
          │    files and folders needed to build the code, CMakeLists.txt included
      └── tp4
          │    files and folders needed to build the code, CMakeLists.txt included

      Note that:

      • Do not ship the build directory with the executables and other artifacts of the compilation

      • Do not ship the freeglut directory

      • The provided code should build as it is on the N7 machines, so test it before submitting by uncompressing the archive and be sure that every tp compiles with cmake.

      • only for TP1 you can put the report in the relevant code directory, preferably as a pdf if you want to include images, but a txt file is also enough

      Any non-compliant archive triggers a penalty of 5 points.