COMPILATION Issues: it may happen that passing from one machine to another the install path of the OpenCV changes. This will cause many errors at compilation time, such as missing opencv headers or missing libopencv*.so. If you are experiencing such errors, try to run again (from your build directory)

rm CMakeCache.txt
cmake ..

That should fix the problem. Otherwise, you can just remove the build directory, and start over from scratch (you will lose only the binaries of your programs, the source code won't be affected. You may want to move your calibration file *.xml somewhere else before)

Command line parameters

For every main() function that you have to complete, a parseArgs() function is given (and already called in main()) that parses the command line arguments and store their values in proper variables. For example in checkerboard.cpp, the filename of the image to process is stored in a variable inputFilename, as well as the size of the checkerboard is stored in boardSize etc... So all you have to do is just use the variables that are already declared and filled with the proper value.


Last modified: Thursday, 12 November 2015, 2:49 PM